Schools in Viera
Viera Charter School
(321) 541-1434 / (321) 608-2322
Viera Charter school is a highly rated public charter school located at 6206 Breslay Drive. This school serves students in grades K-8. This school has approximately 963 students and a student to teacher ratio of 13:1. The curriculum provide education based on the state curriculum course descriptions and frameworks, the Florida Standard and also the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards designated by the Florida States Department of Education. This school uses the S.T.E.A.M educational approach which uses Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics to guide student’s inquiry, critical thinking, and dialogue. Viera Charter School also uses Project based learning, this approach presents opportunities for deeper learning and for the development of crucial skills to assist with college and career readiness. Research on project-based learning supports an increase in student achievement and engagement. Lastly, another curriculum method used at Viera Charter School is The Cambridge Program. This is an advanced academics program to assist students in building skills, understanding, and knowledge in Science, English and Mathematics, it was designed for the most advanced learners and incorporates an emphasis on scholarly discourse, creativity and innovation.
Besides a stellar academic program, this school also packs a punch with the extra-curricular activities and clubs offered , here is just a handful of what is offered: Robotics Club, Chess Club, Yearbook Club, Christ on Campus Club, Odyssey of the mind, Art club, Choir, Book Club, Scrapbook Club, Book Club, Safety Patrol, Vocal Ensemble, Spirit Squad, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Science Olympiad Club, Spanish/German Club, Cheerleading and more! As you can see, your star pupil will be given the opportunity to not only flourish but also thrive at Viera Charter School.
Manatee Elementary School
(321) 433-0050
Manatee Elementary School is a highly rated elementary school in Viera, Fl. and is located at 3425 Viera Blvd. This school has maintained an “A” rating for at least the last 15 years, it has approximately 863 students from grades K-6, with a student to teacher ratio of 16:1. Manatee Elementary is not a title 1 school. With some of the highest scores in the county, this elementary school is sure to prepare your star pupil for middle school, high school, and even start the foundation for college learning. According to public records state test scores, 87% of students were proficient in reading and 94% of the students are at least proficient in math. Besides stellar academics, this school offers many after/before school activities and clubs. Here is a list of some of the clubs/activities offered at Manatee Elementary: Odyssey of the Mind, STEM, Flag Football, Photography, Strategies Club, E-Club, Laces, Math Superstars, Lego 1 Club, Lego 2 Club, Cross Country, Media Center, Music Club, Physical Education, and more! A few other facts about Manatee Elementary School: #58 of 2,172 for Best Public Elementary School in Florida, and #186 of 2,121 for Best Public Elementary School Teachers in Fl. Now that’s pretty impressive!
Viera Middle School
(321) 350-8766
Viiera Middle School's mission is to help students meet challenges and achieve personal and academic excellence.
Viera Middle School is an inclusive community, fostering individuals engaged in education and growth. They empower students to innovate and build character so that they can excel and enhance the world around them.
Viera High School
(321) 632-1770
Viera Highschool a “A” rated public school and is located at 6103 Stadium Pkwy. Another great Viera School that has maintained its “A” rating for at least 15 years, and has approximately 2,117 students in grades 9-12 with a student to teacher ratio of 22:1. According to state test scores, at least 75% of the students are proficient in reading and 65% of the students are at least proficient in Math. Viera High School will help your child be prepared for not only college but life after, it has many academic programs available including: an Academy for Communication Art and Design, Career and Technical Education, Academy for Business and Finance, Media Center, JROTC, Guidance, Testing, EFSC Dual Enrollment, AP Classes, Viera TV Production and more.
There are also a wide variety of clubs and activities for your chi9ld to enjoy, including but not limited to; National Honor Society, Ocean Bowl (academic competitive team, Student Government Association (SGA), Viera Creative Writing Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Hawk Buddies (disabled persons support), HAWK Robotics, HOSA Club (competitive academics club), Art Club, Book Club, BETA Club, Drama-Thespian Club, Band & Orchestra, FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) and lastly FCCLA (a club for any students who have taken a Family and Consumer Science class such as foods classes, interior design and early childcare. As you can see, both academically and extra-circularly, your child will have many options while attending Viera High.